Wednesday, October 16, 2013

6 days?

Has it really been six days since my last entry?

That's because I have been BUSY!

I took my daughter to a drama lab last night, it was awesome.  I was really impressed with her participation in a group that was older than her. She jumped right in and read her parts in the plays the group wanted to share without hesitation. I'm a proud Dad.

I also have been writing quite a bit.  I wrote my romance chapter, of course, took it to critique group where they kicked my butt and gave me some suggestions for rewriting.  So I rewrote the entire chapter except for some good lines I wanted to keep.

I also did second revision on Chapters 37-40. 

I have 11 more chapters to revise, and probably 4 or maybe 5 Captain's Log chapters to write. 

After that I print the entire book, chapter by chapter and do my own hardcopy edit. Once that's done, all 55 chapters, I will enter my edits into the computer and call it a finished product.

Then I'll need two or three beta readers to read the book for me, checking for any errors I might have missed, on my science and math, and looking for any plot holes. 

Once I get the reports back from the beta readers, I make any changes I like from their suggestions/fixes, then it is REALLY in final copy.

After that I ship the first 50 pages off to Jabberwocky and wait to see if I pick up an agent.

It's all seeming a lot closer when I type it out like this.  Hopefully "soon" it will be done.

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