Friday, February 28, 2014

Final edits

Book 1 is written, and I'm printing it out chapter by chapter for final edits.  Once that's done, the book is done and will be available to publishers, etc.

I'd like to get an agent, so I don't have to worry about the selling part.  I HATE selling.  We'll see how that goes.

Regardless, it's almost done after quite the epic journey to get it there.

Book 2 should go significantly faster overall, after all the universe is well developed and doesn't have to be created from scratch.  Many of the characters now have depth and purpose. The setting is there.  Things like that take time to create, and so won't be as big of a time sink for book 2.


  1. Fantastic. Just found your blog, glad to hear your writing is coming along so well and so fast. Best of luck.

  2. Dude! I'm not sure how you found it, but that's awesome.

    I feel most loved when I'm stalked by old friends.

  3. No one can hide from the Internets. You're pretty prolific with the blogging, I'm impressed. I'm pretty confident you'll find a publisher, I haven't read your book, but I've read some pretty awful crap that did get published, and I have no doubt you've produced something better than 90% of what's out there.


Please feel free to leave your critiques or constructive comments.